Saturday, May 31, 2008

so what's a bodymindsoulheartspiritpsyche to do,'eh?

seemed like i was pert near born insecure
and as a full-grown, no commendation nor attagirl
can get me to truly embrace "I'm okay, just like them, and I belong in this world/this job. I needn't overwork just to be their equal" philosophy. It seems to duckbounce offa my too-oft tanned hide.
So what's a bodymindsoulheartspiritpsyche to do,'eh?
Well, meditation mends the mind, eating right is bright,
'spressing and cussin' seems to , in the right contexts, work
but good old unconditional, fully-nurtitional,untraditional love and acceptance,ah, now that's the cradle in which i can rest my baby within,and be there for otters as well.

so what's a bodymindsoulheartspiritpsyche to do,'eh?

seemed like i was pert near born insecure
and as a full-grown, no commendation nor attagirl
can get me to truly embrace "I'm okay, just like them, and I belong in this world/this job. I needn't overwork just to be their equal" philosophy. It seems to duckbounce offa my too-oft tanned hide.
So what's a bodymindsoulheartspiritpsyche to do,'eh?
Well, meditation mends the mind, eating right is bright,
'spressing and cussin' seems to , in the right contexts, work
but good old unconditional, fully-nurtitional,untraditional love and acceptance,ah, now that's the cradle in which i can rest my baby within,and be there for otters as well.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

the mindless mechanism known as 'the system' doesn't know nor care if it chops up peeps or cornhusks,y'know?

the mindless mechanism known as 'the system' doesn't know nor care if it chops up peeps or cornhusks,y'know? it ain't adtually nothing with mal-intent just the fact that
there are so many of us humans in need

Sunday, May 25, 2008

yes so many things to re-learn'

yes so many things to re-learn'
ere we die
to hell and bedlam with diettes
to heaven within with slow foods
ancient as an aztecs hopes-the-sprouting unpouting

went out with a really neat friend last evening
reminded me very much of the grecian urn by hyedigger
qualities of awareness
vocally re-focusing
yet also a freelander deepwelling wherewithall within
whereat earthland meetskyfowl flutterfalter sway sashay

Thursday, May 22, 2008

all them fears as a lass laddie and how no hell, no devils, just drunkard parentiles

as i type
and tap it out in code
i think of feral fetters(unripe)
and how to live without 'em would be so babybold

all them fears as a lass laddie and how no hell, no devils, just drunkard parentiles

as i type
and tap it out in code
i think of feral fetters(unripe)
and how to live without 'em would be so babybold

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

the only sole thing i cannot fathom, nor compute nor calculate

what i can't grasp nor grip is this:
we have autonomy and why would a pill, which merely tells the mind"Stop hurting in the left big toe?"
be superbior to the mind itself saying
"Say, left big toe? How you? say could you stop the hurthing okay, nothing to hurt about now, just leftover owies..."

Sunday, May 18, 2008

poemsong OF THE death dealings


to acknowledge unblinking
the death of the beloved
one's own leaving,unwinking
as into the void ungraciously shoved

never our wish
rarely our want
the pepper this dish
tears unrelenting font

the COUER rage to visit
she whose body's farewelling
'shadows our own 'parture(is it?)
bell's sprung, greanbeans unshelling

how those at the meeting knew the paings of 'lapsing into the lisp of angritude eternityintality fierwoowater lice and lies

the poor 'lapsers they came to the group to alert us: "don't go back out there it is vile and evil unto the n+1th extremity. stay sobercling"
so shall i shall

now my fiend she is sublimer
yet she drinkgs(she not in poram)
and so she told me ' i ain'there to guardian yoursobriety you is" and it ouched me at fir but i thought, wells, Ja, it ain't to her , up to ME (and the poram) so i thought well then i won't drink naturally but also i won't axe her about her drinkings, pros or conning. i will not suggest 'she have a drink or she not have a drinking' i will laugh when she decries her hangover or smile when stalks of her funning .
she didn't nundsteredand when i told her that i had never really much enjoyed drinking and that the last umpteen years for starton it was hades she couldnlt relish to that
goo for her,yah?

Saturday, May 17, 2008

heal ling is hoppering in, it's floppering in, and the joy is sublime, thyme

i see my own healing hops in
the program folks keep me thin
helping me to see loosing = win

don't shoot our jacks nor our jills
when they stop sauce and pillls
we just help them to see new soberclean thrills


after so many years of healing
and decades of decoy and decay
our reunification movementus
brings our old 'mates and hates all to gather in a most singular largeroom
and they slurp the lagerfest whilst we wonder about einstein's god and the healingsong of the now manifests herself
ach, how we ache to unholster our joy and say
cuff the critiques,inner and outside our mind's gated wall

Friday, May 16, 2008

the innard's nest: revoom your hands betwixt usings of the mousse

also listening to kabat-zinn he is so righteously hyperfine in his medullations
and ulalations

Thursday, May 15, 2008

the healing hops in and hop-less though nary hope-freed,

the healing hops in and hop-less though nary hope-freed,
i slither slumber and awarifyingly notice: there is less ice today than in days of bore

Sunday, May 11, 2008

poemsong of the motherless, ach how to become a kidwithin again,O Ja

poemsong of the motherless
got to play and hang out with a joyous sometimes demanding cantankerous ingenious very marvel of a three-year old boy today and needed a babynap myself after our journies
may your inner three year old return all refreshed and revivivivivivied from the vivisectionists called the workplatz

Sunday, May 4, 2008

the worms were exiting

the worms were exiting
they had been subhypno hydroponically induced
by liars called addled adults
back when i was a pre-alkie pre-overeater

this is called detox
fear it not
no feral nor peril
non-pareils et non-paralelleagrammaticon
uni-versifiedthe worms were exiting
they had been subhypno hydroponically induced
by liars called addled adults
back when i was a pre-alkie pre-overeater

Thursday, May 1, 2008

the place they call the 'dub'(work)

the place they call the 'dub'(work)
has become my fixated hub(jerk)
so today i'm all a reeling(movies-of-the-mind)
combing in late, my entanglement untwined
and frogget it all the feral fearsies that might un-lurk