Saturday, August 30, 2008

why not just speak your mind?

Okay so you tell the boars and 'oars what you wink of them
so you get scaled and scalded by Mz Fishguttersniper herself


do you get fiered?
Hah, don't make me crackle up

do you get
in troubador trouble?

not really

and is it true or not truth that there glistens a cult of
they know better


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

chedck this out they is NOT 'bout to treat you decent

i was so like whatevering all the carpola that goeth forth and just thinking ach to heck with tall of it
it all pays the sham same and 'sides, getting treated badly is not the big deal
twipping on it is the big deal

ud rgwtif they is gonna treat me like the n word

today ath the office i did my thang but getting treated like a second class family member hurts
but then i just go ah what the hay
might as well say shuck it and just keep fluttering on
it all pays the same anyhouse

Friday, August 22, 2008

trapping ? awful... traipsing? sublime

she was not trappist but she felt impinged and maligned
by the narrowest of strait-lazered fundament
and the way they insisted it was not half hot enough in hadesfarm
for someone who supported gay rights and playwrights and the right to ban the bars and not brawn the bards

me? I always figured she was sort of a national treasure or a national emergent sea,sorta

Thursday, August 21, 2008

awwm see, art is actualy whee i belong, or in a universe-city

am needing to truly not with anguish nor anger let go
of hopes at my job
that i wented to school for several years back again to get
and then found i was better fiscally a'fore i went
and what i learned helped but wasn't worht 60 grand, no hand

to allow it to heal away and flowerflurry is a signal of Yesness

the eraser can heal the floor
(not at this time, she cain't)
she unexclamied markering her terra infindubula...

str upi
are you engenerized like the clown said?
are you emerent with sliver scent?
aer you beyond the folly of spent on sports?
are you a problematic aprotagonistic non-ecstactic unromantic?

are you?

being a work-freak is highly overstraited

am seeking to be less work-obsessed
dew sew mulch show the MORE of life and not the boar chore

Sunday, August 17, 2008

las tripas del el camino por la noche, seguridades

sonnet bellow below

this is one roadtrip indeed

postcards from not-at-home

always didn't like sleeping in any bed but my own at this home

even when going to the megacenters for epochal events
wished,come nightfall, i was in my own bed

guess that comes of leaving the litter too soon
and not gettling the nuzzling i needed from me mum,hmm

Thursday, August 14, 2008

did she say"Im the optimist, that guy there,see? now HE, himself , is the pessermist

has been buzzard busy at the office
i went to see my therapist(first one I've gone to in like a decade or somesuch) and she is a very nice young lady.
she is helping me to see the optimism and not the awfulism,y'know? and also to really see Past my workerhaulism and my pefectiioniiishm and all that
and how i can grow and heal and slowdown and eat slower and look arround and surround myself in a calmness and smile and just not twip on stuff and muck like that
gotta admit, that's a lot to ask from one session...

did she say"Im the optimist, that guy there,see? now HE, himself , is the pessermist

has been buzzard busy at the office
i went to see my therapist(first one I've gone to in like a decade or somesuch) and she is a very nice young lady.
she is helping me to see the optimism and not the awfulism,y'know? and also to really see Past my workerhaulism and my pefectiioniiishm and all that
and how i can grow and heal and slowdown and eat slower and look arround and surround myself in a calmness and smile and just not twip on stuff and muck like that
gotta admit, that's a lot to ask from one session...

Saturday, August 9, 2008

the ruts of alcholism and werke a haul izm rut very berry deep

lately at the office i've been realizing my coworkers and supers and all that don't have to 'preciate me in fact they can, if they so choose, think i'm the worst excuse for a person if they want
but i know better

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

no blood no fearfulness just forward to floowrard

yes to think the future and ongward and forward leads only in one 'rection: death, and afore that, some type of decays and decoys in our bod, though we will do our uttermost to minumalize it for certain

and how to heal and learn and know y'know?

Saturday, August 2, 2008

CARGO CULTS, the halo effect and a tribute to the Westerhau effect

that one wouldn't need to actualy Be a certain way but jus wear the textiles associated with that status and stature and magically opooof it appears

also that presidenr johnson was a godlike in the eyes

also that when folks are watching us do what we do so well
sashay and heal and twirl

Friday, August 1, 2008

cow-orkers and not tattling nor prattling

'magine you're in a math class
you do all the 'singments and get a 98 % and you get an A,yea?A

now the cow-orker
does half the ass igmentmnts
doesn't do otter half
does most of em muckled up
and gets a 44% and also gets not an A but an A+
but the person who 'lows it to get under my mine
is muckling since i ain't bossy
bossy won't care so no use tattling nor prattling
best thing to do
figure: well maybe that is healthier way to be 'lows more time for oofing off,anyhows
maybe they ain't ocd like meye?