Thursday, September 25, 2008

how to tell if enlgishe is not the oginiral tongs

to temper can mean to soften something
it can also mean to harden it
tell THAT to a foreign=language speaker
p.s. the sign of a foreginer(ain't we all?)
is the pouncing upon that selfsame word

Sunday, September 21, 2008

chomnping own toenails a lunch do not make

still small a great friend(and later betaryer) made up with myself a little poetry about
dinosaur's heelskin and toenails

dragon paddle ragu or

dragon paddle soup



costumer it



cairn 'sider

ideal for an art piece

recipe for an artpiece

take one trashbin(sm)
layer it over in wrappings(prefferably old like the shrift shope)

take on larger mulched dustbin
place the wrapped within lightly jutting out
like rudder on a ship

and painted first the aforesaid trashcan with spay crans

make the dustbin talk

seeing past the disapproval(we'll never obtain their approbation)

either thier approval has a hook in it
or it ain't gonna hop in
if we can see their disagreeableness 'bouit our takes on art, healing,musicology,poemsongs et tall
like as if they was shades shadows or action figureines
and not mistreat nor maltreaty them just go past all their
maleficorum malefactoriatotuems

what i'm sayijng is this:
folks pinions can holster us if we 'low 'em too
if we can sashay suround their lassos
our own healings can emitter emerg

the falsie boundaries, see beyonder

to see beyond the falsified boundaries
ethnic colourixzifcation religiousity et al
and to respect utterly the rigorously correct boudnaries
personal dignity/care-of-the soulstice/awarenes of the other's innermoist hurtings

today is internatilnal to hades with fake shyness (no shysters, however) dae

ajnd to become the healer is to take no as not a biggie dealie

Sunday, September 14, 2008

this here is the strongest god we has, AND it is on sale(this week alone)

can we jupiter jump leaplepton out of this hoars and boars realm?
cuz it really sucks
and we ain't got the bucks
so can we low old carlgustav's strongest of god's at the helm?

this here is the strongest god we has, AND it is on sale(this week alone)

can we jupiter jump leaplepton out of this hoars and boars realm?
cuz it really sucks
and we ain't got the bucks
so can we low old carlgustav's strongest of god's at the helm?

sad cuz it is so WHY?

I had merely been nodding my head with a "Howdy" to my flatmates cross the way since they moved in...
and the lad, a big scrapper,him,what

took me aside today with the rejoinder

Listen, Friend(this was a stretch for him, even with his arm round me shoulder,there)
You are neither family nor of our ethnicicity: we arrived here from far far and you don't even go to our church nor work with any of us

Plea: don't say hello to us

It is not that we are again you
we don't care,period, 'bout you,'kay? no 'fense meant

to us it is so however you saying it? Whatever

Have a nice day now(he actually did say that penulitmate line)

I was like 'Fine, Okay then, sure'
but inside the insecurity buttons(which a certain veep candidate lacks more than most)
were all going off as if the team local had won euro cup And it was a nucleated testing date, as swell

the moon glow arose, over and over

bikering high in the alpine meadows
the moon glow resurrected itself
arising o'er and o'er

would that my mind would the selfsame thing

the moon glow arose, over and over

bikering high in the alpine meadows

the moon glow resurrected itself

arising o'er and o'er

would that my mind would the selfsame thing


Saturday, September 13, 2008

johne was deep , yet paul was sweetness

Palul MCChad sweetness
Johann LLL had deepness
yet he was unhealed healer

Friday, September 12, 2008

death is a combing`

sigh, we all must face death some time but hopefully we'll both just way way way in the future just blink out like a lightbulb that don't work no more,y'know?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

friend's friend gravely ill

friend being so gravely ill...
how awful it must be to feel that badly
when we ourselves grow old
let's be healthy
right up till the last momento,'eh

Sunday, September 7, 2008

i don't wanna go to w tommorrow i wann remain a 'cationing bum

doublemessagering can drive a body nuts
even when it is a reflection of the beloved's own stuff so i can totally relate
i myself give myself doublemessages all the time anyhow
(i'll just have one of those brownies, and will most assuredly NOT eat all 'leven of 'em for a postmeal snakc)
and the other message
Wow, i'm just gonna eat till i'm full...
thinking how whilst listening to gil frondal's mediation on the zencast website on Doubt
and it is helpful and healing
and staying away from sports
p.s. seems like on the 'lection: we trusted our guy and he was our sensation rockstar
now 'they' have 'their own' and the shimmer may not wear off 'fore the day of reckoning dang it

Friday, September 5, 2008

pushin' too severely on myself, but that has been my lifeleaf patter wren

as a youth, always troubled by must do more must flutter highlier
and never expressing that joy which is my rebirth right...
so lotus pleasured to have to NOT go to the dentalist today...even hygenical hijinks trip me out
but i was able to pull away from tension into deliberated laxation

ironically in what the bleep the polish wedding scene

sorely reminiscent of my own first real drunk(well maybe my second?)
at this polish wedding i was afeared of course to interact and then after having some screwdrivers just asked folks to danc with me
friend's father asked him to ask me w as I okay?
well i biked home and thought(i was sixteen) wow i danced i danced

ironically in what the bleep the polish wedding scene

sorely reminiscent of my own first real drunk(well maybe my second?)

at this polish wedding i was afeared of course to interact and then after having some screwdrivers just asked folks to danc with me

friend's father asked him to ask me w as I okay?

well i biked home and thought(i was sixteen) wow i danced i danced

smiling as i remember

smiling as i remember
them healinering sharings we shared lastterday
how us was interminably attuned
didn't mind wrong directions (leastaways, long as we was traffic cone safe)
and how we went the easiest of ways
buffeted by those whose opines was the opposite of our own, who pine for them what we feels is in no wise weiss enough to become our obermeisters
and that ole devilish daniel johonston and his bovine bleaterings
if only he himself hadn't grown to reassemble one so deeply
and those lucky stars of which he swqueaks?
alas, i thinketh the knotteth not one iota of luckstream
I just SORELY gladiola gladdy glads to be lazarus lipleap lazaoid today
no w for two more
and then back into the mechano
but this time, one beliefs, with a deatchement from the attache,yea?

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

william johnston(and ususally i'm not one for priests) and his zen affiliations

there is a small pamphlet ohw to be happy
and it was sold at the bookstore for our meets
and it was one fourth the dollar
and it told of 'lowing the dervishes to just whirl
and confomring our own will to the will of what is
what a willostheisper that has been in my morning vespers

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

hwealing is hoppering in

just not at the pace that in this here lifetime will 'low me to ooh and ahah bout it,though

van's stone le philosophes et more

van is someone who has stage fright
and yet he plunger plummet inserts insists on being the music front man
was he an alkie?
did he have like the lead singer in 'dirty old town the pogues' did he have the booze, as one has heard, to try to give him that equinanimity which nonesuch offers other than wattsian calm?



Monday, September 1, 2008

not that i don't relate to people who want to kill themselves but

it is so much work and so little help hope when folks who are in the meets wanna kilter themselves because they always holster the trumpet card IF they truly want to leave this realm behind

an opened letter meant as a liftufp to the parents of babyboots

Dear Parents,
this school has a pattern, evolved sturdily over eons from rote rotating unlicensured sisters, of screaming,berating and physically slapping and spanking boy students.
now if this is where you are insane enough to send your kid, fine
otherwise, there is a perfectly new and ulimtately accessible public school for which your taxes already pay(here that daddyo? you can use that extra booze money at your hankytank hades you so appealing find).
so why not spare the rod and save the child
'specially the boys
because the girls we don't hit hardly ever but us nuns are so angry at the boys for showing some spunk, as mildly as they do , in such a setting
p.s. it is true, actually, that in thirty fourty years,
your young lad will attend sessions of the self-help group(yhear that poppabeerburner?)at which your alcoholism, as swell as his own, will be addressed and over the decades, several(well, two or three, anyhow) ex-nuns(their choice, not mine) will come up and give their former selves their comeuppance and say
wow that felt almost as good as when in vietnam that one tourist said
thank you (for prolonging a corrupt gov that was doom and deem to fall and thereby causting many millioards more lifetimes) for spraying agent orange all surround us:we never did like the forest no house
at which he will