Sunday, October 26, 2008

wanting the more and settling in to the last common ancestor

picking such healing strong familiar
and just listenering to Yes doing a concert a la francais 31 yrs ago
they are wearing shirts which say
NO on them
and they are tuning up to the strains piped in of Star vinski's
the rite of spring
(i like the french le sacre du printemps b etter

also thinking of le petite madeliene and le grand proust
and his room of corked wood

of late
talking to an elder
and how i listenered in with mind and soul
and somehow
kept my correcting device mechano hushed and shushed whilst she spoke
hers was what some might call le petit bourgeiosificationed view
being gratitude
feeling blessed
doing something fun everyday
zero grand schemata for a new way to be a part of humanness
just thinking of what to have for her chowder et al

though i couldn't agree less
i couldn
t disagree at all

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