Sunday, December 23, 2007

vicarious thrills of a sober alkie and a weedpiper in rrecuperation, as swell

to encourage the encourager to have a sip of some freebrei wine, when i'm a sober alkie myself, is trebly wronging
1. she'll decide for herself is she wants to drink, not at my encouragement(why would i want someone else to discover the 'joys of boozing', such as they might be, anyhow?)
2. i don't need to try to get my jollies watching her have a glow or a slight buzz
it might not be good for her healing ongoing and also it is like a falsie commercial that says 'See, booze isn't bad for you, it isn't hurting her none....'.
CUZ i am a recovering alcoholic,forever(OR I can go back to drinking highly unsuccessfully? nay nay nay O goddess of Arte help me this day not that to do never to go back to the poison road, no
3. i need to realize that since i'm an alcoholic
others might have their reasons(and good ones, as well) for not drinking...
but the main one is : would i encourage someone to smoke a joint near me or to eat some yummy sugar-laden chocolate cakes?

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