Monday, November 10, 2008

i plan to heal and return to being hale and my alkie peerage is the reason why

my crazoid skalkyhaulic mindbrain was twippering 'bout my having really yucko coughing and such and i stormed into that doc's offices ready to DEMAND antibiotics and she gave me an inhaler treatment and that tamed me right up and then she gave me some nose spray and some allergy otc and some benadryl otc and told me to sorta rub my chest with vapor stuff and also so now, oddly, i am when i feel like coughing putting a hand on my chest and one on my gut and i cough less plus i sorta stroke my throat very gently like one would comfort a 'sturbed friend
and so with all that
i'm turning it and not gonna stay sick and tonight i plan on sleeping truly swell

it crackered 'em up that in 'allergies?' i told them one antibiotic i can't hack(it makes me itch all aover) and one other antibiotic that makes my throat feel like i've been guzzling hotsauce)
and also added "Oh, I'm an alkie: nothin' with the sauce in it."

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