Saturday, November 29, 2008

saw that vid on youtube about the chacmools of CC of dJ

Here is the 'rule-of-thumb' I seek to apply to my days off:
be with grand friends at the meets and
forgo thoughts of the office and my clientele
(they can find their own baba of wawa to drink in my abscence, I just know they can.)
there are times, one must 'fess I do worry about my clientsele, though it ought to be

'get-a-life' when I waderlessly wade into those mulch- and- muck mindstreams,
I'm not the kind to jot with a poisoned plume.
This one friend of mine, now a former friend, truly scarred my emotions today, superficially,tis true. I bespoke my large sadness over the vile evil upwhirling in the former Bombay and the response was
You're not god(nor God), stop troubling yourself, get off the cross, we need the wood, and such. Also, in a don juanian "I-never-think-about-stuff-I -don't-like' denialist way(i adore dJ but some of his utterances per CC are just so not even)" and I myself believe there is SOO much we can 'do about it'
Every words spoken by my now former friend were in Americanized English(Long Live The Nacirema, that backwards glancing clan, replete with their potlaches and latching onto barge-in bargains)
yet the sentiments were alien in the most fulsom mannerism.

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