Sunday, November 30, 2008

yep, she's one of us, so sit down, have a cup of strong coffee,sister, and listen up real good now,'kay?

when it comes to talking-on-the-phone to someone i've never met and just 'met' over the 'net, I am sorta fully stuck back in the last century, or perhaps its predecessor, since I like to get to be friends first over the keyboard and its 26 to the 26th powered empowerings.
Quirky, I 'fess, but we all have our ways, 'eh?

not long back(with a detour to purchase chow) from a cantankerous post-holiday let it all hang out session,and methinks that since that potent sauce no longer, day following another, bastes our goose, we recreate in miniature( an anthro teacher shared that in any subset of recoering people one could find the same views as in the fuller world, only more polarized,)to just let the world-in-micros found within the many-tabled rooms, replete with the world's mulchiest and possibly worst coffee, where even the decaf could make a sailor pray, become the therapy room and let-it-all-hang-out and just share ad nauseum, but oddly I fit in ever so well. And for me it beats my past of sitting on bar stools looking for that befriending which, since I didn't like myself, wasn't gonna hop in.

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