Friday, November 7, 2008

so needlessly she went back out and gained the doorstoop nary again

I affirm that tis corrrect how much i have need for healing and helping others heal

I love being mellow calm as a clam and sober hipster

at one and teh same i enjoy being enthused and directive

i do believe in meanings

if someone is suffering and wants their sobriety back
i wanna be of assist

i grow so saddened and addled when sisters and brothers go back out again to use booze and sink into the dirge of the drug scourge

it is like our minds are not wound fully and leaving that opening the chill gets in and we grow ill, psychically unwell
from the upwelling of madness that is relapse

it is horrendous to me to hear tales of exploration back into the realm of auto-poisoning

such a hideous banshee that wail is

some how the mind is muddied by the hoe of the hootch

and our over-concern about something minor gives sway to self mutation back into the unloveable one

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